Read our latest articles, guides, and reports regarding academic integrity, education, and everything in between.

How to check for plagiarism in a paper
The presentation of other people’s ideas in a paper is
October 31, 2022

How does a plagiarism checker work
Plagiarism is the process of stealing someone else’s work, and
October 28, 2022

Definition and types of plagiarism
Plagiarism derives from the Latin word ‘plagirius’ (stealer) where it
October 27, 2022

What makes plagiarism a wrong thing to do?
First of all, when we steal someone else’s ideas and
October 26, 2022

Translation plagiarism: Human-based translation case study
Translation plagiarism is a particular and subtle type of plagiarism.
October 25, 2022

What is self-plagiarism?
Self-plagiarism is plagiarism, where students or writers plagiarize themselves through
October 24, 2022