From the first case study and the articles written before, we are now familiar with the term plagiarism, and we know what consequences it brings us. We are also familiar with translated plagiarism, a new method where individuals copy the work of others and translate it through software or translation tools and present it as a new document.
This way of translation increased as a result of the free translation tools available today, such as Google Translate, Bing, Microsoft Translator, DeepL, and Reverso Translation. Software translation plagiarism occurs when a text is translate entirely or in part using a translation engine like Google Translate.
You can check for this kind of plagiarism using Crossplag, curently the only cross-lingual plagiarism checker.
In this case study for software translation plagiarism where we will show the performance of how Crossplag detects similarity even when translation tools are used.
Case Study
While it’s a given that it includes plagiarism that derives from translation, there is more than meets the eye. There is manual translation – done by a person that knows both languages well, and software translation – done from, well, software such as Google Translate. In essence, translation plagiarism includes a kind of interesting process overall.
The case study includes several essays automatically translated using translation software.
*Note: These tests are different essays from different countries in native and English to demonstrate Crossplag’s performance in identifying similarities even when automatically translated through advanced translation tools
Let’s look at the dashboard more detail to see which papers we will check.

As in the first case study, our dashboard contains the ten essays we will check. In addition to the similarity percentage, each area includes a “Report” button that provides more information about the document and a “Delete” button that allows us to remove it from the database. As a result, the presented image allows us to view the reports we will discuss.
Crossplag offers you the choice of whether or not to keep your document with us. And this is good for both the company and the client who trusts us.
Although cross-language plagiarism is difficult to detect, this type of plagiarism with all the details is offered by none other than Crossplag.
Crossplag checks documents in detail and displays a report for you with the main goal to always be precise about checking for single-language similarities, and we succeeded.
We now offer you an accurate report in checking cross-language plagiarism; as said above, this type of plagiarism is complex, but crossplag detects this and brings a report for which language the copied text is shown.
English-German language pair: Essay about JFK “Ich bin ein Berliner”
We all know that English and German have some similarities and many differences. However, a translation tool can translate text regardless of the complexity of the language.
Here is an analysis of an essay translated from German to English using Google Translate.

This is an essay about Nikita Khrushchev’s visit to East Berlin and Kennedy’s speech about the Berlin Wall.
Although this document has been translated with translation tools, our tool for detecting plagiarism, Crossplag, discovered a similarity of 79.95%, which can be seen on the right side of the report.
This document has only one source, as the whole text was taken and translated from German to English.
Clicking on the sentences that are shaded in blue gives you information about the exact source, such as this case:

‘It is also little known today that Kennedy was the first half of his ten-minute speech completely free.’ we see that sentence information is presented to us.
All these words in red are found in the English text, translated from the German language.
Our Crossplag plagiarism detector detected the source and exact words taken; this shows that Crossplag performs accurately and safely in the English-German language pair.
For free, you can personally test similarity detection in an English-German document for ten credits.
English-French language pair: Essay about the Notre Dame Cathedral
This article discusses the history and significance of Notre Dame Cathedral. The cross-language similarity score for this document is 92.86%.

Not only was this text translated, but it also matched the original text exactly. We can understand that even though this document was translated using the translation technology “Google Translate,” the translator decided to utilize the program to solve some portions verbatim and to edit some other parts somewhat.
To examine the differences, let’s look at two shaded sentences in this instance—one in red and one in blue.
In the blue-shaded sentence, we have the translated text with rhyme adaptation, perhaps.
Let’s look at this sentence:
‘Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral is built on the Ile de la Cité, the ancient cradle of Paris. It succeeds other buildings erected in the same place in the 4th century’

Here we see the words shaded in red included in the text translated into English within the sentence mentioned above.
Now we are taking as an example a sentence that is shaded in red in the text, which according to the legend of the platform, means an exact match.
‘During the Revolution, the cathedral became state property, like all religious buildings, and suffered numerous damages: part of the treasury was melted down, the spire was knocked down, the statues in the gallery of the kings of Israel, on the facade, are deposited,’

Now the following result appears that we will analyze and see what this information is showing:
In this case, all the shaded words in this sentence information show us that within the sentence we have clicked on, we have this exact match of the text, given that this text was translated from French to English.
The detection of commonalities in this language may be challenging, given that French and English phonetic systems are slightly different. However, Crossplag was able to identify this French-to-English translation and provide information on the sources and similarities.
You can check a French-English translated document with ten free credits provided by Crossplag upon registration.
English-Spanish language pair: Essay about The Marquis of Torre-Tagle
Although Spanish as a language is a bit more complex than English, translation tools translate texts in this language without any problems.
Here’s a report translated from Spanish to English of an essay about the Marquis of Torre-Tagle.

The inter-language similarity is 64.97%, and almost the entire text is shaded blue.
Let’s use a more significant sentence to identify the source and similarities in this passage.
“The Royal Audience, composed at the time of the hearers Marquis of Corpa, Tagle, Cavero-Henríquez, Rezabal, and Vélez, ordered that the scribes Castellanos and Egúsquiza, as experts, carry out a comparison of letters, and they said that the t, the e, the b, and they were the same on the box but not on the profile and that Pepito Alarcón was, therefore, a revolutionary rascal who disguised his handwriting.”

This is a complete sentence where we see the source from which it came and sentences in red where they are found within the translated text.
This is proof that the translation plagiarism in the language pair of English-Spanish works perfectly fine and can detect cross-language plagiarism in this pair.
Try your Spanish-English document with ten credits worth 1000 words free to check for similarities.
English-Italian language pair: Essay about Italian healthcare post COVID-19
This story was also translated from Italian to English with a translation software, with the topic of the medical care that Italy promised to provide after the deadly fight against the Covid-19 virus has been discussed.
The cross-language similarity in this document is 92.95%, and the two-color text coloring reveals that the text was both modified during translation and precisely translated.

We are taking this sentence to look at the information: “In particular, technological advances and telemedicine have been able to respond to the multiple health needs of thousands of people who would otherwise have had considerable difficulty in approaching health services.”

So’ sentence information’ shows us the link from which the source comes and tells us which words belong in the translated text from the original text.
This is proof that the English-Italian language pair works perfectly fine – just as it worked in manual translation plagiarism detection – in software-based translation.
Try now for free with ten credits worth 1000 words, and check your text to see if there are cross-linguistic similarities between Italian and English.
English-Czech language pair: Essay about The Streets of Prague
The paper we will use for testing was translated from Czech to English using Google Translate.
Below, as the screenshot of the report shows, even though the Czech language has an entirely different phonetics than English, it was quickly translated by the Google Translate translation tool.

Our Crossplag plagiarism checker detected the similarity without any problems. We see that the parallel in this text between the translated language and the original one turns out to be 88.27%.
But even though the text was translated from Czech to English, perhaps to lose track of the source, our plagiarism checker also detected the corresponding source.
Right now, we’re seeking information about the sentences to prove the source of the lines and the terms that came from the original text.
For example, “Today, the old street signs speak about the old character of the city, about its notable buildings, especially the church ones, about the nature of the streets, their direction, appearance, about the trades that worked in them, and about the various artificial devices in them.”

As we mentioned earlier, the language may be trickier because it uses a different alphabet than English. However, the source and the red words, which we consider to be a part of this document, were shown to us by our discoverer.
With this, the English-Czech translation plagiarism checking is completed accurately.
Check your cross-language document, Czech to English, for free.
English-Polish language pair: Essay about Polish-Ukrainian Union
Next, we have a report on a document about the Polish-Ukrainian union. This document is about the Polish-Ukrainian union, which was translated from Polish to English using Google Translate.

We notice the similarity in this text, which is derived from 83.64%, and on the right side, we see three sources from which the document derives.
But the first document has the most similarities as it was translated from there, so it topped the list.
In this instance, clicking on a statement will display its source and comparable sentences. For example, “The last great act in the history of Ukraine’s ties with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was the Hadziej accord (union) of 1658”.

So we see that almost the entire text was derived from ‘radekpusko. pl’, and the virtual sentence as a whole was translated in this text from the original text.
This concludes that even if a document is translated from the Polish language, our translation plagiarism works flawlessly in the English-Polish language pair.
Upload your Polish to English document to check for cross-language similarities with ten credits for free
English-Portuguese language pair: Essay about Portugal and Peace Index
The entire paper, translated from Portuguese to English using translation software, examines Portugal and its peace index.
In this report, we see the similarity of language translation of 87.41%.

As was already mentioned, we can see how the ratio of two colors—red and blue—gradually changes here. The modified sentences that retain their original meaning are marked in blue. Red stands for a complete translation that hasn’t been altered.
Now that you are familiar with the word structure in the shaded terms above, let’s show a statement indicated in red, like this one:
“According to IEP, Portugal went from fifth to third place, overtaking Austria in the ranking of the world position, mainly due to a constant recovery from its financial crisis, which led to greater internal stability for the country.”
The outcome is shown below:

So the whole sentence has an exact match where the text is translated fully without intervention to change any part during the automatic translation.
Based on the image above, we can see that the English-Portuguese language pair is working perfectly fine, and the translation plagiarism, in this case, is found.
Test your document if there are cross-language similarities between Portuguese and English with ten credits for free.
English-Turkish language pair: Essay about the importance of our Physical Fitness
This document talks about the ‘importance of our physical ability, where the source is in Turkish, but it has been translated into English through Google Translate.
Since Google Translate is a free tool, its use for translations is billions per day.
However, Crossplag also detects these documents that are translated through advanced tools.

On the right side, as we can see, we have a similarity percentage of 84.12%.
Click on a blue-shaded sentence, for example:
‘While balance is a physical fitness component related to performance when it is considered in terms of preventing falls in daily life, it is considered as a health-related physical fitness component.” see the results offered by Crossplag:

Although the text was translated from Turkish to English through advanced tools, this did not present any problem for Crossplag.
Our plagiarism detection tool performed exceptionally well in detecting similarity and showed us accurate results. This means that our translation plagiarism technology has no issues with the language pair English-Turkish.
You can look for similarities in the Turkish-English translated document with ten credits for free.
English-Romanian language pair: Essay about Dracula (culture and myth)
Online translation tools have translated a mythology document on Dracula from Roman to English.
The interlinguistic similarity in this Roman document turns out to be 93.25. But unlike other documents, in this document, we have two types of shading, the bluer one and the greener one.

Let’s look at a greener sentence and see what it says through the highlight legend.
“The hypothesis is dispelled by Marius1-Mircea Crişan’s research, which provides a completely different explanation: along with Emily Gerard’s article about the undead from Transylvania (Transylvanian Superstitions, published in July 1885 in The Nineteenth Century magazine) and several volumes that dealt with the history of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Romanian Principalities, the Irish writer went through, in the Whitby library, An Account of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia, a pamphlet published in 1820 by the British consul in Bucharest, William Wilkinson, in which the “voivode Dracula” is mentioned, accompanied by an explanatory note suggesting the synonymy with the Devil in the “Wallachian” language.”
So this is a sentence that is shaded in green, but let’s see what the legend and sentence information tell us about this.

The sentence that is highlighted in green according to the legend signifies that it has been marked as a quotation, and I was able to obtain the source information and the original sentence in the relevant language that has been translated into English and kept as a quotation.
Using the above images as proof, we can conclude that the English-Romanian language pair works flawlessly in the translation plagiarism department.
View your Romanian-to-English cross-language similarity document with ten credits for free.
English-Russian language pair: Essay about the Collapse of The Russian Economy
This is a document on the collapse of the Russian economy. Considering that the Russian language has an entirely different alphabet from the English one and was translated with online translation tools, it was easy for Crossplag to detect the cross-language similarity.

Unlike the documents mentioned above, this one not only has a similarity of 76.27% but also includes changes made to the text during translation depending on translation tools, an accurate translation of the text, and quotations within the text that are highlighted in three different colors following the legend.
As can be observed in this paper, several sentences include quotation marks, while others have a precise translation and an adaption of the translated language.
Let’s look at the outcomes that are provided in this phrase,
“At the request of a specialist, the issuance of an order does not always mean that the bank is on the verge of bankruptcy, but you should be wary and check the financial performance,”

Even though the alphabet we often see is radically different, Crossplag is operating at its peak efficiency.
It does this not only by revealing a percentage of similarity but also by providing us with more precise details, such as the source and the relation of the words from the original text to the translated text.
Although the translator was a professional, the Crossplag plagiarism detector could detect similarities between the translated and original Russian languages.
Check your document for Russian-to-English interlingual similarities with ten credits for free.
Is Crossplag doing well?
It is acknowledged that while perfection is a simple concept, it is challenging to realize. Whether using MLPlag or Cross-Plag, Crossplag does its utmost to identify document similarities.
We are doing well in this, given that we are the only platform that can identify cross-language plagiarism. Crossplag can still provide clients with precise answers, although translation using modern advanced translation tools is growing better and better.
It is clear that we want what is best for our customers because we manage to uncover, on average, 84.2% more than all other platforms combined.
When we first set out to detect plagiarism or cross-linguistic similarities, there were difficulties and obstacles. Still, now that we have accomplished our goal, we are only trying to provide the finest service possible for the market and our customers.

Agnesa is crazy about math and has won lots of prizes. Although her main gig is being a full-stack developer, she also likes to write about topics she knows really well.
But, Agnesa isn’t just about numbers and algorithms.
When she’s not crunching code or weaving words, you’ll find her conquering mountains with her trusty hiking boots!