The presentation of other people’s ideas in a paper is considered plagiarism, which often happens accidentally due to carelessness to give due credit to the source.
There’s a rather interesting kind of plagiarism called ‘Contract cheating’ where you are paying someone to do the job for you, which we’ll get to it a bit later.
Plagiarism in the paper is a bit narrow and divided into five forms which are common and often used.
- Copying and Pasting
- Word change plagiarism
- Style plagiarism
- Metaphor plagiarism
- Plagiarism of ideas.

Copying and Pasting
Copying and pasting can be easier understood through these three points:
- Taking phrases, ideas, or paragraphs from a specific source
- Presenting someone else’s work without crediting the source
- Not using source and author citations.
You should use a citation method when you feel that a sentence taken from a specific source cannot be rephrased and is useful for your article as it is.
In case you copy different phrases, you should cite them and give proper credit to the author.
You should be careful because for this you can be punished by the college/school where you study and dealing with the fallout from that would not be beneficial for you.
You have to keep in mind that your paper must contain original content unless there are specific sources that must be cited, and that’s all there is to it.
Word change plagiarism
Word change plagiarism occurs when one copies specific sources but changes the formation of the sentence to kind of confuse the plagiarism checkers.
Obviously, you will have to do some research, especially on topics you have no experience with, and it might be a bit tricky not to plagiarize. The best way would be to just write your own opinion in your own words rather than copying or paraphrasing.
While you are researching on a topic where you do not have so much knowledge about it, you will present your idea by summarizing your research on that topic in your own words, but always based on your own words and ideas.
Do not allow yourself to copy and paste or even change the words in your paper because you are violating moral ethics and committing plagiarism through this.
Style plagiarism
‘Style plagiarism’ is known as a type of plagiarism where you are paraphrasing a specific source in your own words but follow the original author’s structure word for word.
This means that even if you are presenting an idea based on your words in your paper, you are copying the specific author’s style.
Metaphor plagiarism
Metaphors are figures of speech through which a specific point or a sentence is clearly explained.
‘Metaphor plagiarism’ means when you take a metaphor from an author who has chosen to clarify his idea through it and you are using it as your own in your paper without giving sources from where it came from.
Plagiarism of ideas
‘Plagiarism of ideas’ means when you take an idea from a source and do not articulate it in your own words to show it in your paper, but take it as it is without crediting where it came from.
Even if you think that a specific idea from a source may be known, you should still cite it because it may not be known to someone else and this may result in plagiarism.
You can see other people’s ideas and learn how it was created and create your own original idea, as well as build your creation with your own words to be as original as possible.
The difference between paper plagiarism and article plagiarism
Paper plagiarism is considered plagiarizing in a university paper or buying paper from someone you paid to write it for you.
Plagiarism in articles can be understood as presenting someone else’s ideas or presenting someone else’s work without giving credit to the respective author and happens in journals and newspapers.
Through paper plagiarism, you are copying the style, ideas or words, and metaphors that another person has used in written or electronic form and you’re trying to graduate through that.
While through plagiarism in articles you are copying an entire work without giving recognition, taking into account that that work may be published in several places and trying to climb the journalism ladder through that.
In most cases, students plagiarize articles in their papers out of fear of failure and the desire to present themselves well to the professor and the class, but they are not aware that this may have consequences for them.
How to check for plagiarism in a paper
The easiest way to check for plagiarism in a paper online is through Crossplag. You can sign up easily and upload your paper to the platform and wait for the results without needing to be part of a university.
Your paper will undergo a check to see if it matches more than 100 billion comparison documents that Crossplag has.
After comparing your paper for similarities, you’ll be presented with a detailed report that contains the similarity index, sources, and sentence sources if there are similarities.
You can also save a copy when you are offline and use it as evidence for your work.
If you sign up for the first time, Crossplag makes sure to offer you 10 credits = 1000 words for free to check your paper.
Crossplag offers you security while checking your paper, while uploading the document you have an option whether your document will be saved in our database or not, depending on your choice the platform will do the same.
Also, Crossplag does not use your work to make this more obvious, you have an option if you want to delete your work after checking.
Consequences of paper plagiarism
When you as a student commit plagiarism in a paper, the consequences are more or less severe.
The penalty consequences for paper plagiarism are as follows:
- Lower grade in one subject.
- Failing a class
- Temporary suspension from school/college
- Student exemption.

For a student to have a low grade or to fail the class is a big disappointment. These consequences can affect the student’s condition even more so if he is suspended or expelled.
You will have constant barriers during your career because you were labeled as a plagiarist in college and this will not be good for you as a student or even as a person in your academic career.
In order not to face these consequences, you need to avoid paper plagiarism. Always check your paper for plagiarism with the Crossplag plagiarism checker.
Contract cheating occurs when a student pays another one to write their assignment or them.
You must cite all sources taken so that you do not engage in plagiarism of the paper and that your work is not labeled as plagiarism
Another way to avoid plagiarism is to check it before submission. To have an efficient form of plagiarism detection in your paper, you should use Crossplag, which provides users security and a secure report on your paper that is checked for plagiarism.
If you commit plagiarism in your paper, you will face the consequences and these are not at all pleasant even from your side as a student. They will follow you throughout your career and will be a barrier for you.
For this reason, always submit your paper to Crossplag for plagiarism check and look at the report that will appear. Structure your letter through your own ideas and words, if you must use specific phrases quote them, and never pay anyone to write your letter.

Agnesa is crazy about math and has won lots of prizes. Although her main gig is being a full-stack developer, she also likes to write about topics she knows really well.
But, Agnesa isn’t just about numbers and algorithms.
When she’s not crunching code or weaving words, you’ll find her conquering mountains with her trusty hiking boots!