Everyone who understands the value of academic integrity also understands the importance of originality in a piece of writing. Every original writing not only increases your values as its author but also increases the level of academic integrity.
Because integrity is primary for every individual, the same goes for educational institutions too. For every educational institution, the most significant value is academic integrity. So the main point of plagiarism checkers is to avoid plagiarism in your work, in order to maintain academic integrity.
Crossplag is now working with educational institutions to raise awareness among students to avoid plagiarism. From this article, you will learn about the effectiveness and application of Crossplag in educational environments.
What is a website that allows an instructor to upload a paper to check for plagiarism?
A professor can upload documents on Crossplag to be checked for similarities, which will allow them to keep track of whether their students’ papers are plagiarized or not.
Academic integrity has been affected by the increase in plagiarism over time, making it necessary to develop plagiarism detectors.
To detect similarity, Crossplag uses advanced algorithms, which are combined into a sophisticated system of algorithms. Instructors can use this similarity checker without the need to be part of an institution.
Crossplag offers the best, cost-free opportunities for individuals to have their own account to check for plagiarism. Additionally, if you register with your university email, you’ll get an addition of 10 free credits upon the 10 original ones, summing them to 20 (worth 2,000 words).
Manual forms
Using manual forms or having to wait a long time for a similarity report can be very tiring and annoying. Using Crossplag, you can generate a report in a faster way in minutes. This enables everyone to save time from their own time for other parts of studies or work.
Some students might plagiarize while having their work translated and believe they won’t be caught. However, because Crossplag was the first tool to recognize this sort of plagiarism, it has made it easy to find translated plagiarism.
Although this type of plagiarism may seem difficult to detect, the main focus of Crossplag’s in the past years have been to perfect it – with the European Network for Academic integrity vouching for it.
Working as much as possible to avoid plagiarism, we develop and become aware of a well-educated society, which is maintained in its strength. Not only that, but Crossplag also offers customer security and never uses the customer’s work for personal interests.
If the user does not want their work to be stored in our database, they can immediately delete it with no need for unnecessary prolonging. When uploading the document for checking in Crossplag, it is the user who decides whether he wants to save his work in our database or not.
Consequently, Crossplag offers all of the features that will ensure that a user will feel comfortable and safe as they use the platform.

How teachers check for plagiarism
Every teacher can notice insecurities in his student when he gives a presentation that may include plagiarism. In this case, the teacher may begin to suspect that the student has committed plagiarism.
After checking the work, the teacher can know how capable his student is and if he manages to do such a good job. Not only that, but you have noticed when a student is unsure of what they have done or is afraid of being found out.
And when the teacher doubts this aspect, he can address the student with some questions. While the student may not have an answer for what he has written, the suspicions of plagiarism are getting stronger.
Facial expressions often put students in an uncomfortable situation.
Therefore, when the teacher suspects plagiarism, he has the right to upload the document at that very moment. Showing the results in front of the student’s peers. From here you start damaging academic integrity, and you will have distrust from others.
In one form or another, teachers try to educate students, starting with some minor disciplinary measures. Therefore, students should be aware that now advanced technology will detect any kind of plagiarism.
Teachers using the Crossplag platform will also detect translated plagiarism that students can practice.
So every teacher has many ways to detect plagiarism. Therefore, students must develop their original ideas so as not to be labeled for plagiarism. Presenting original ideas is one of the best ways to avoid plagiarism.
In this way, not only do you avoid plagiarism, but you are also building a level of good academic integrity. And among other things, you are gaining the trust of others, starting with your teacher and peers.
Which is the best plagiarism checker?
Although all plagiarism detection tools now provide a report on the similarities in your work, it’s hard to find a platform that simultaneously offers security and secure information.
There are two types of anti-plagiarism tools available: Paid and free.
More often than not, paid tools are safer and more widely used, while free tools provide more of a superficial report without going into detail.
Educational institutions as well as individual writers have found some sort of accommodation in paid similarity detectors. This is because paid anti-plagiarism tools offer a more detailed document check, while free tools offer only a superficial percentage of similarities.
Paid tools have a wider network of documents in the database to compare your document with, while the unpaid ones have a narrower network for comparing documents.
These tools are now playing an important role in the educational system, because by utilizing these the awareness and education of the students are aimed at a wider scale.
As for individual writers who use anti-plagiarism tools, they often make sure they haven’t accidentally plagiarized in the course of their work.
Anyone who wants to access an anti-plagiarism platform first looks for a few key issues:
- Prices
- Safety
- Cooperation and Use
If what you’re seeking is just half-measured results with really dim insights, you can use free plagiarism checkers – there’s tons of them. These tools are ideal for someone who doesn’t want to go that deep into the rabbit hole, and just want to justify having their document checked.
Paid tools, however, provide you with deeper information about where text phrases match online materials.
Crossplag, however, comes at an affordable price for everyone. The analysis of a document on this platform to find out whether or not it contains plagiarism goes through a broad comparative base with about 300 million documents and 70 billion articles on the web.
Meanwhile, Crossplag continues to develop a lot in this direction so that these students have easier access and use of the platform.
Protecting customer privacy is not offered much – if any – in free plagiarism detection tools. Preservation of the customer’s privacy in the means of payment turns out to be very important.
Free anti-plagiarism tools do not provide enough security for the customer, which is why everyone recommends using paid anti-plagiarism tools more because the security of the customer is what is given so much importance.
Crossplag is one for which customer safety is paramount. If Crossplag didn’t prioritize customer security, it probably wouldn’t be enjoying the success it has today.
Contrary to all anti-plagiarism tools, Crossplag is the one that always allows the user to decide for himself. It is precisely the user who decides whether the control data will be stored in our database or not.
Customer data and documents are not allowed to be used without the customer’s consent on this platform. So in this regard, Crossplag has never disappointed its customers. Because always for Crossplag, customer safety has been and will remain primary.
Cooperation and Use
Choosing the Crossplag platform for use is the best choice you can make. Crossplag is undoubtedly a platform that provides accurate and clear information for the report of your document.
At any moment, for any irregularity that appears during the use of the platform, the Crossplag team is always with you to help you. And not only that, people with disabilities would not be able to find comfort and use easier than in the Crossplag platform.
Where everyday Crossplag is developing an anti-plagiarism tool for these people so that they can use them more easily.
One of Crossplag’s main goals is to be there for everyone – no matter the condition. Therefore, Crossplag will always be a help both in educational institutions and for individuals.
Crossplag is a platform that offers very easy access for its clients with disabilities. For students with disabilities, Crossplag has spoken in a separate blog where the ways how they can connect with this platform have been explained.
How do you check in Crossplag if a document is copied ?
It is possible to determine whether a document contains parts copied in different ways. One of the first things you notice when checking a document is the format change that is present.
Often people make this mistake when copying phrases from another document – when pasting, the font, size, or even style changes each time a part is copied and pasted onto a paper.
Additionally, grammatical differences between the copied and original texts are frequently found. And based on this, it is possible to surmise that the individual plagiarized.
Some bloggers and authors who publish their academic works pay attention to details, shading their writing with a light shade.
You will not notice this shading while reading the paper, but if you try to copy phrases from that paper, the shading will be attached to the text. This detail will strengthen the suspicion that you have committed plagiarism.
Manual method
The manual method of copying and pasting into Google is one way to check for plagiarism that is now less frequently employed.
Despite being a not-so-bad form, the manual search approach takes a lot of time to complete. And considering that a professor does not have only one student to check, then this process is tiring and unnecessary.
Hence, plagiarism checkers. The process is faster through anti-plagiarism platforms and way more efficient.
Since everyone knows that the value of time is of the essence, Crossplag provides a quick report in just a few minutes. You will therefore not be disappointed when you decide to use Crossplag as a checker for your document, and the wait will not be long.
In addition to protecting the client’s privacy and providing an accurate report, Crossplag will present that report in a fast form to you.
For any institution, the detection of translated plagiarism has long been a very big problem. But thanks to Crossplag this issue is now a non-issue.
Avoiding plagiarism is therefore essential in all educational settings. Academic integrity is something that every person should maintain and cultivate in their personality.
Everyone should create their ideas and avoid plagiarism if they want to succeed academically. Crossplag helps education by preventing plagiarism, as already mentioned. This plagiarism detection tool warns students that it may find any similarities.
Even though plagiarism detection software has become so sophisticated, plagiarism continues to increase.
But the main objective is to start reducing the amount of copying and raise awareness, starting with students. In any case, the original work is valued higher than the copied work.
It is understood that teachers have a key role in educating students regarding the awareness of avoiding plagiarism.
Not only the teachers but also Crossplag is helping in the education of the students by encouraging them to come up with original ideas.
Crossplag is an anti-plagiarism platform, its purpose is not to discourage students from a job. But to show them the good side of work, motivating them to develop their thoughts as much as possible.
So, the use of anti-plagiarism systems not only reveals similarities but also plays a role in the education of students. This phenomenon of education is intended to develop until the full goal is reached.

Korab has dedicated the past decade to the marketing industry, focusing specifically on the intricate field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Despite his background in development, Korab’s unwavering passion for marketing drives his commitment to success in the field.
He’s been an Inter fan since he was a kid, which makes him highly patient for results.
Korab does not hike.